horsetrack + photos! - Reisverslag uit Chengdu, China van Barbara Beek - horsetrack + photos! - Reisverslag uit Chengdu, China van Barbara Beek -

horsetrack + photos!

Door: Barbara

Blijf op de hoogte en volg Barbara

07 Augustus 2008 | China, Chengdu

Hi dudes!

I've just done a three day horsetrackking tour through the mountains and it was awesome! And painfull....for the ass...ohoh, poor ass of mine (wooden horse saddles). Unfortunately the weather was shitty since it is rainy season right now. So it was bad luck that we didn't have any view on our destination: Ice Mountain, a round 4500 meters high.

Check out the pictures:

I'm gonna keep this message short because tomorrow Noortje and I are going to...TIBET. Oehyeah. We have just paid the biggest pile of banknotes ever! The largest amount on a note in China is 100 Yuan, and I just gave the lady 76!!! notes. And I had already paid her 32 before that. Damn, I made sure I have a picture of these few minutes of pure wealth.

So Tibet, it is really a hassle to get in. You need to be in a groupotour with people of your own nationality. Don't mind logic, logic doesn't apply when it comes to rules for travelling through Tibet. Tomorrow morning we fly to Lhasa and than we start a 9day tour all the way to the Everest Base Camp (wicked), and than we go back to Lhasa and I will fly to Nepal on the 16th of August. Velly, velly exciting!

Ok, now I have to start packing (ohhhh, such anuisance, next time I'm just bringing an extra pair of socks and underwear; travelling with to much stuff is PISSING ME OFF. Yes. But I need my stuff :).

Bye peoples, more stories after I have survived the high altitudes in Tibet. Did you know you can die from High Altitude Sickness?


  • 07 Augustus 2008 - 10:55


    heee bo!!!
    gisteren waren Ake & Nel op de Croez, tis hier erg relaxt (eindelijk is mn balkondeur gemaakt!). Wow, ik ben echt vet jaloers op je Tibet tour, t schijnt echt hermetisch afgeslote te zijn, dus ik vind t een wonder dat je er nog in komt!! He met die altitude sickness, je kan daar wat pilletjes tegen kopen en die helpen serieus (believe me, i know, i lived at 4000 meter half a year, remember?) :) maar doe voorzichtig, je kan echt knallende hoofdpijn van die hoogte krijgen!
    heeeeel veel plezier! veel fotoos maken he!

  • 07 Augustus 2008 - 10:55


    p.s. mooie fotoos!

  • 07 Augustus 2008 - 11:09


    Hee Bo! Goeie shit allemaal, die foto's zijn echt leuk! Ik zal je snel weeer eens proberen te bellen.


  • 16 Augustus 2008 - 12:37


    Hey nichtje,
    Heel veel plezier in Tibet - ben echt superjaloers! Heb ook je kaartje gekregen. Als ik al jouw verhalen lees en de foto's zie wil ik zeker nog een keertje naar China gaan. Mag jij mijn touroperator zijn :)

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Hello friends, travellers, bored people, your royal highness the Queen and all those other people that are frantically following this thrilling travel blog; welcome. Read further if you want to know a) what Chinese schoolchildren like to do when they are following my English lessons (besides fainting from concentrating on what I am saying), b) how sore your ass gets when you are doing a horsetrack in a wooden saddle, c)what it is like to walk the camino the Santiago with only one pair of extra socks and your wits for luggage. That last point is for now still hypothetical because I will start my big Camino only on the 16th September 2010. And I will likely bring more than just 1 pair of extra socks. That sit people: my next adventure will take me to the sunny, lush Pyrenees in France, down to Santiago, Spain. My first blog entry should probably read something like: 'One woman. Two feet. 760 Kilometers. She came, saw, and conquered. However, since my preparation so far has not gone any further than booking the flight, it will more likely read: One woman. The Ryaniar airport. Regret. What will it be? Read further whenever this One Woman has started this New Adventure and managed to find an internet connection in those sunny, lush Pyrenees. Stay tuned, while I become toned.

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